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New Nation of Hamazistan Declared in Gaza June 15, 2007

Posted by chuckwh in News and politics.
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Hamas today declared the new nation of the Islamic Republic of Hamazistan today, officially sectioning off and isolating the Gaza strip from the rest of the burgeoning economy of the Middle East. Hamazistan The new nation will adhere to a strict adherence to Sharia law. Hamas leaders declared the capital of Hamazistan to be Jerusalem, which is now an open city under the Gore/Blair Palestinian Accords signed by Israel and Fatah in 2004 which is designed to lead to an independent Palestinian state in early 2008. Gaza is considered a near wasteland by most Middle East observers compared to the booming economy of the rest of the Middle East, largely as a result of efforts made under the auspices of the Bill of Hope, which poured billions of dollars into Middle Eastern economic, education, and infrastructure programs shortly after 9/11.

Gaza is home to one of the last known vestiges of fundamental Islamic terrorism, and most military and political analysts view the recent declaration as a strategic mistake, making it an easy target for easily enraged Israeli conservatives like Benjamin Netanyahoo, who long for warfare even in times of prosperity.

Samarra University Enrollment To 225,000 June 14, 2007

Posted by chuckwh in 9-11, Al Gore, death squads, Iraq, Iraq War, Samarra, Terrorism.
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Samarra University, a sprawling network of university campuses in Iraq, today announced that it had admitted its 225,000th student. The university, named for the town where the Al-Askari mosque stands, was founded by Shia clerics under the auspices of the Hijric Collective and has campuses scattered throughout Iraq. Its most recent campus was opened in Basra late this year.

Since 2001 the Iraqi university system has become the most robust in the Middle East. For example, Baghdad University has grown from 34,555 students (1988 numbers) to nearly 90,000, mostly through its two new campuses. The Foundation of Technical Institutes has grown from 35,000 students (also 1988) to 70,000, a growth that also can be attributed to new campuses in Mosul and Basra. In addition, the Hijric Collective has opened up a number of smaller universities (in addition to the Hijric Samarra University) with a somewhat Islamic-focused curriculum. Although this makes conservative American politicians nervous, so far the results are encouraging, with about 35% of the first wave of graduates moving on to post-bachelor work at the larger universities, and the rest into such fast-growing Iraqi professions as civil engineering, accounting, and IT.

Nightmare — 600,000 dead. June 5, 2007

Posted by chuckwh in News and politics.
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I woke up last night dazed and confused.

In my dream, I was taunted by a reality that I knew could not exist.


was what I saw in my nightmare.

I thought to myself, what?

A dream? A stress dream? A real nightmare?

First thing I did was look at my feet.

They were cool. I found my toes. Excellent day. I’m always pretty happy when my toes are in order.

Next, I checked the blogs.

Everything, again, seemed in order.

600,000 dead, that’s what my dream told me.A nice Malthusian event.

In my dream, there had been a war. The United States for some unknown reason attacked another country without provocation.

Luckily, it was just a dream. Al Gore would never do such a thing.

Neither would his vice president, Hillary.
